This is how Americans really are. Helping one another in a time of crisis.

Our political climate has been very ugly here in the United States lately. I am so happy to see people of all colors helping one another, this is how it should be. It shouldn’t take a disaster to realize the we all inherently want the same things.

People from the Lone Star State have an almost genetic disinclination to rely on the government for anything. So during Hurricane Harvey, the people saved each other. Source: Texans’ do-it-ourselves rescue effort defines Hurricane Harvey – The Washington Post

via Washington Post: “Texans’ do-it-ourselves rescue effort defines Hurricane Harvey” — Glover Gardens Cookbook

2 thoughts on “This is how Americans really are. Helping one another in a time of crisis.

  1. Pingback: This is how Americans Really are: | By the Mighty Mumford

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