Archive | January 19, 2017

Can this moron Betsy Devos just go the f*&k away!

I’m more qualified than this moron, and I only teach as a volunteer. Financial literacy as a matter of fact.  Our young people are going to need my classes after this effed up administration is done raping and pillaging the United States.  It honestly gets worse by the minute.

The Los Angeles wrote in an editorial today that the Senate should not confirm Betsy DeVos. She embarrassed herself by her lack of knowledge of the role of the federal government, federal policies, and federal laws. Betsy DeVos’ love of private school vouchers didn’t disqualify her for the role of U.S. Education secretary, even […]

via Los Angeles Times: The Senate Should Not Confirm Betsy DeVos — Diane Ravitch’s blog

Liar, liar pants on fire-Betsy DeVos-just one of the many dipsticks on the new cabinet in the United States.

Oh, man we are so screwed!  Pretty much every one on this new cabinet is incompetent. Please let this four years go by fast, and hopefully we will all be alive still, and have some of our retirement money left.


Betsy DeVos was asked during her Senate hearing whether her mother’s foundation had funded the anti-gay Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council.she claimed ignorance and insisted that her mother made her own decisions; besides, she insisted, she was not a member of the board of her mother’s foundation. Interviewed on “Democracy […]

via Democracy Now: Did Betsy DeVos Lie to the Senate Committee? — Diane Ravitch’s blog