Tag Archive | fire hazard

Frizz Free Finally-Zero Frizz review

Happy Sunday!  I think I may have finally found a solution for my frizzy hair.  I have naturally curly, super dry, fine hair. As I’ve been in menopause for eight years, it has gotten out of control.  Like it’s a good thing I don’t smoke, as my hair is a serious fire hazard!

I’ve been contemplating cutting may hair all off, because I just can’t make it look right.  I wear my hair up most of the time. I’m constantly switching up my hair care, looking for anything that will make the frizz go away. Not to mention I’ve spent a ton of money. It’s very frustrating.

Here’s my usual hair-frizzy, curly mess.


Fire hazard!

Here’s me after using   Zero Frizz Conditioner   and  Zero Frizz Keratin Smoothing shampoo. I bought the shampoo and conditioner for only $1.98 each at Bed, Bath and Beyond.  I think it’s being discontinued. Some BBB’s have awesome health and beauty products.  Of course, I find something I like, and now I can only buy it online. I also used Sally Hershberger Curvaceous Curl Perfection Cream  for $10 USD.  It worked great in my curls, and is a heat protector. I let my hair dry naturally, then straightened  it with Simply Straight Straightening Brush which I purchased at BBB six months ago.


Not too shabby for four day hair

I’m still suffering from Bell’s Palsy, so this is as much as I can smile right now. I went to BBB today and bought up all the rest of the Zero Frizz shampoo and conditioner they had. I now have 6 bottles of shampoo and 2 bottles of conditioner. I only wash my hair twice a week, so I’m guessing this should last me for awhile.

If anyone knows of a similar product that does the same thing, please let me know.

Thanks for stopping by.



Middle age and frizzy hair WTF!?!?!?!??!

Why is it when you get older as a woman your hair gets frizzy? I’ve been in menopause for six years, and my hair just keeps going down hill. I mean I have naturally curly, fine hair, which blows in of itself, but this frizzy crap has got to go. I try to straighten it the best I can, which is ok, until I go outside.  I use to have pretty decent hair, now I feel like I should be staying up all night buying tons of crap I don’t need from QVC.

It’s depressing. Why just on Monday of this week, my hair was so smooth that the hair combs I had in were almost falling out. When I woke up on Tuesday morning, I looked like Albert Einstein! I swear it looked like a rat had crawled in bed with me and made a nest on my head! I’m trying everything I can short of shaving my head (which ain’t happening) to control this wiry mess. I recently bought some extensions, both curly and straight. The color was perfect, but my hair just doesn’t blend with them because of the frizz. I have a bathroom closet full of so many failed styling products. I was using John Frieda’s 3 Day Straight, which use to work really well, now not so much. I’ve done research up the ying yang trying to get some relief.  I guess I’m lucky my hair looks good up.

I swear my hair looks like three squirrels are having a menage a trois on my head.  If anyone can recommend any good products, I would be eternally grateful.Frizzy hair 10-7-15

On the upside, it’s a good thing I don’t smoke, as my hair is truly a fire hazard, and it lookAlbert Einstein 10-7-15s better than Donald Trump’s!

Just another reason to love Ipsy.com!

I have had my subscription to Ipsy.com for two years now.  For $10 a month I get five cosmetic items, plus a cosmetic bag.  I usually get several full size items, along with deluxe samples.  I get skin care, nail polish, hair care, etc.  As you can imagine, after two years, I have a lot of stuff. A lot of cool stuff that I usually put in a drawer and forget about.  I have a stash of unwanted stuff that I have been sending to my niece over the years.  For the most part, I love everything I get.  It is fun trying brands I have never heard off. I got some blue brown eye shadow that simply looks amazing with my blue eyes.

I’ve been in menopause for five years now, and let me tell you it sucks!  Most of the unpleasantness I’ve been able to handle.  My skin is one of my best assets, so when I got a funky rash on my face recently I was flipping out.  I mean really, it is a good thing I don’t smoke, as my hair is a fire hazard these days.  I can deal with most things not looking so great, but when the hair and skin go, I’m basically screwed.  I’m a middle aged woman, and I know  I’ll never look like I did when I was in my 20’s; and I’m fine with that. But I do want to look good for my age.  So I’m trying everything I can find for this stupid rash, and nothing was working.  We had a party to go to this past weekend, and I was hoping it would clear up. You can only cover up so much with make-up.

I was rummaging around in my junk drawer in the bathroom trying anything that could help with this rash.  I came across some Josie Maran Pure Argan oil I had gotten in one of my Ipsy.com bags. I thought, what the heck, let’s give this a try.  I had never used oil on my face before, but given the dry patches I had everywhere, I had nothing to lose. OMG! This is the best face product I have encountered in my 50 plus years on the planet! It’s that good.  I have used super expensive face creams to drug store brands, but never had such immediate results.  Within several days of using the Josie Maran Pure Argan oil at night, my rash was gone.  Plus my skin looks amazing.  I just ordered some Josie Maran sunscreen .5 ounces with a 47 SPF on eBay for $9.50.  The price of Josie’s products are very reasonable, with travel sizes available.  On Josiemarancosmetics.com, the same SPF was $14, and I paid $9.50 with free shipping on eBay.com.  I was comparison shopping between Josie’s website and eBay.  One thing you will want to note on eBay is you have to look closely at the size.  Some eBay sellers have the wrong size listed.  It is a good idea to look at the photo on eBay to see the actual size.  Also for sunscreens be sure to check the expiration date.  If you don’t see one, don’t order it.

Here is a photo of me from the party I was at this past Saturday.  Doesn’t my skin look great?  Not too shabby for a soon to be 56 year old woman.  Now, if I could only make my nose look smaller.




Using Josie Maran Pure Argan Oil for three days

Using Josie Maran Pure Argan Oil for three days